
Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Observations in Science

After classifying objects for flight we then began to act like scientists and make observations. We started to compare the wings of planes with the wings of birds. Making aerofoils helps us learn about air pressure and lift.
Emily and her partner had great success getting the lift and understanding
how air pressure works.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Science Inquiry - 'FLIGHT'

The main theme for this term is 'Flight'. We began our inquiry by looking at what we thought flight was. Then we classified objects into 'Fly', 'Not Fly' and 'Unsure'. After sharing and justifying our reasons we then created our wonderings.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Which Graph?

This week we have revisited statistics and focused on interpreting information from graphs and making statements based on the data. What we have discovered is that bar graphs are good for showing the number of items and pie graphs are great for showing proportions.